Alumni Day of Service

Greetings all,

Each year, Mountaineers across the country gather to give back to their local communities. This year, the North Coast Cleveland chapter is looking for a few volunteers to join us at the Cleveland Animal Protective League in Tremont where we will be taking a few hours to make toys and comfort items for the animals in their care.  Here are the details:

Where: The Cleveland Animal Protective League – 1729 Wiley Ave., Cleveland

When: Wednesday, May 8th from 10:00 a.m. until noon

What: Making enrichment items for dogs and cats (e.g., dog blankets, warming socks, etc.)

Who: Anyone who wants to join us!

If you can spare a few hours that morning to help a good cause, put on your WVU colors and join us.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

If you can join us, please RSVP to Christine Snyder at [email protected] by May 3rd.

We look forward to seeing you there!